Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Shoot-N-Tell Mother Nature

I found this photo challenge at Shoot-N-Tell.  The subject this week is Mother Nature.  Since I just returned from a trip to Colorado, I took the opportunity to look through a few of the images I shot last week to find a few of my favs.  Here is a small selection of images taken on the 14th.  That day we drove through part of the Rocky Mountain National Park.  It was majestic to say the least and we saw several weather changes along the road, as well as a wide array of wildlife.  My husband had told me earlier in the trip that if I could get some pictures of a crow flying to do so.  He is hoping to do some sketches of one.  I am hoping that I got some images worthy of his sketching!  It's not as easy as I thought.  Crows seem to be rather skittish around people (at least around me) and I, for the most part was using a 50mm lens (80mm equivalent on my cropped sensor camera- for you camera nuts out there).

Anyway, I hope you enjoy these images!  Please feel free to comment.


  1. Beautiful shots! The second pic of the bird is really nice. Love the angle that its shot from.

  2. HOLY COW! The ones of the crow are just BRILLIANT! So is the landscape! I just commented on a beach picture entry saying I wanted to be there...but I no wanna be there too! Two extreme opposites..hot and sunny beach and snow covered mountain tops! Nice entry! Look forward to future ones!

  3. Thank you so much ladies!!! I love getting comments. Especially when they are compliments, blush.

    Natalie- I would highly recommend a Colorado vacation. Extremely relaxing and sooooo much to photograph!

  4. Jeanette, if you ever make a western wildlife/landscape calendar or book, we would buy it. I keep calling Justin over to the computer to see your photos and he is as equally blown away by your talent as I am.
